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International Whitman Week (and reunion!) 2010

Bojana Acamovic, Elma Porobic, and Karen Karbiener in attendance at International Whitman […]

Going Global with Walt Whitman

I am absolutely delighted to announce that two of the students of “Walt Whitman: The Global Perspective” have been selected to participate in the Third International Walt Whitman Week, to be held this year at the University of Macerata, Italy. Elma Porobic is one of the twenty graduate students selected from a worldwide pool of […]

Walt in the Balkans: the Novi Sad cinepoems

In the fall of 2009, I taught a graduate seminar entitled “Walt Whitman: The Global Perspective”, as a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Though the University of Novi Sad had not offered a graduate seminar in poetry—much less Walt Whitman— since anyone could remember, despite the generally felt “don’t ask, don’t […]

Budući Pesnici!: Translating the Untranslatable Barbaric Yawp with Dragan Purešiću

Though Whitman never learned to speak or write in anything besides English, he loved the sounds of other languages. Walt announces himself no ‘dainty dolce affettuoso’; his ‘vivas’ are blown through his ’embouchures’ from ‘Paumanok’ to ‘Mannahatta.’ Though he claims that the United States have veins “full of poetical stuff,” he gave a […]

…an early visit from jolly old St. Walt!

Seeing double? It’s not the holiday punch– it’s Darrel Ford, Whitman’s living doppelganger.


о капетане! мој Капетане!

Josip, Dragan, Bojana, Elma, Indira, Sanja, and Neda showing off their new bookmarks (courtesy of Elma).

…that’s right, Walt Whitman has made the headlines in Serbia! Test your knowledge of Cyrillic while learning a little bit about what we’re doing over here:


We’re on the second page (p.22, really).

And what does Walt […]

Hello world!

” I do not press my finger across my mouth, I keep as delicate around the bowels as around the head and heart, Copulation is no more rank to me than death is. I believe in the flesh and the appetites, Seeing hearing and feeling are miracles, and each part and tag of me is […] […]

Song of… Me (karen)

Long enough have you dreamed contemptible dreams, Now I wash the gum from your eyes, You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light and of every moment of your life.

Long have you timidly waded, holding a plank by the shore, Now I will you to be a bold […]