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Budući Pesnici!: Translating the Untranslatable Barbaric Yawp with Dragan Purešiću

Though Whitman never learned to speak or write in anything besides English, he loved the sounds of other languages. Walt announces himself no ‘dainty dolce affettuoso’; his ‘vivas’ are blown through his ’embouchures’ from ‘Paumanok’ to ‘Mannahatta.’ Though he claims that the United States have veins “full of poetical stuff,” he gave a […]

Calamus 22, a Serbian translation (draft)

Calamus 22  (To a Stranger) PASSING stranger! you do not know how longingly I look upon you, You must be he I was seeking, or she I was seeking, (It comes to me, as of a dream,) I have somewhere surely lived a life of joy with you, All is recalled as we flit by […] […]