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Going Global with Walt Whitman

I am absolutely delighted to announce that two of the students of “Walt Whitman: The Global Perspective” have been selected to participate in the Third International Walt Whitman Week, to be held this year at the University of Macerata, Italy. Elma Porobic is one of the twenty graduate students selected from a worldwide pool of applicants to take part in the seminar; Bojana Acamovic will be presenting her paper: “Can ‘Calamus 9’ Matter?: Reading and Translating Whitman” among Whitman scholars in the final days of the conference. Elma and Bojana will be the first ever participants in the conference from the territories of ex-Yugoslavia. These talented scholars are full of promise, and I am so very pleased that they will contribute to the conversation and camraderie of this wonderful event.

Looking forward to our reunion in Macerata, Bojana and Elma!




3 comments to Going Global with Walt Whitman

  • Karen, thank you for all your support and love you unselfishly shared with us these past few months. This is not only Bojana’s and my own success, but also yours!


  • Only a few days left and I am so excited about our Whitmanic gathering in Macerata :)I hope it will be an experience as wonderful as our Novi Sad classes!
    Karen, thanks for introducing us to the world of Walt Whitman, I know this symposium will by no means be the last thing I did when his poetry is concerned 😉
    Велико хвала!!!

  • What fabulous news this is… many congratulations to Karen and her students!

    I’m sure many people in the project would agree with me that it would be quite a treat if you all would share some of your experiences at the conference with the rest of us. Hope you enjoyed yourselves and learned something new!

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